What is Project 2e-ASD?
Project 2e-ASD is a groundbreaking initiative that will identify and develop academic and non-academic strategies for high school and college students who have talents and are on the autism spectrum. In 2020, the CDC reported that one in fifty-four children are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, there is little research on this population in the gifted community, and none with the scope of Project 2e-ASD. Project 2e-ASD aims to address this research gap and provide evidence-based strategies for gifted students with ASD to reach their high school, college, and adult transition goals.
Students who are twice-exceptional-ASD (2e-ASD) are a little-studied and often-overlooked population. These students possess exceptional talents, yet struggle in many school settings. Project 2e-ASD aims to identify the challenges experienced and the strategies used by this high-potential group. These strategies will then be shared widely with students, teachers, and parents to help them in their transition to college, in the college classroom, and beyond.
Over the course of five years, Project 2e-ASD will identify and test successful strategies for 2e-ASD students in post-secondary education settings. The Project will share these strategies with teachers, parents, and practitioners in the form of professional development material and online resources. With its five-year scope, diverse and experienced research team, and generous support from the U.S. Department of Education’s Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act, Project 2e-ASD is well-positioned to provide successful tools for this uniquely gifted population.